Phone number format
under review
Andrew Scott
it should be great if phone numbers were auto-formatted prior to coming over to DonorPerfect: (in response to prior discussion - Please provide feedback for the GC Dev Team to format the phone #” We’d like it as follows: (999) 999-9999.
Dp Matching
Does DonorPerfect have records with the same phone # (after removing non-numeric characters) as the one being used in this payment? If we find one single record, we assume it’s a match. If we find multiple records, we then start looking at the first and last name on all those records. Again, if we find a matching first and last name, we assume it’s a match.”
Josh Bloomfield (CEO)
under review
GC Admin
Merged in a post:
Validate Phone number format and allow for organization to choose format style
GC Admin
would like a way to validate the phone number format.
We would like to choose a North American format since all donors are from this region. If we were to add a validation option, we would need to include different regional options.
It could be a part of the cart and checkout site design settings. ------ GCLD-2348
GC Admin
Merged in a post:
Formatting phone numbers synced to DonorPerfect
Amy Goulston
We would like phone numbers synced to DonorPerfect in this format - (xxx) xxx-xxxx