Mark Initial Payment For Recurring Donations As Recurring In DP
under review
Brandon Cyboron
The current scenrio is that with recurring donations, the initial payment isn't marked as recurring when it gets synced in DP, but subsequent payments received after do get marked as recurring.
Would it be possible to also mark the intial payment as recurring in DP? it would save us alot of time/effort as well as with our reporting.
Josh Bloomfield (CEO)
under review
Josh Bloomfield (CEO)
Brandon Cyboron Great suggestion.
Do you mean that the initial donation is added as a payment against pledge? What do you mean exactly by "marked as recurring"?
Matthew McGee
Josh Bloomfield (CEO): I also have this issue and I would mean that the initial donation should appear against the pledge as the first payment on the pledge and not the one a month from now.
Josh Bloomfield (CEO)
Beverly Ironside You can set the sub-solicitation code under the Options DP coding...
Beverly Ironside
I would suggest the same and ask that recurring get noted in the subsolicitation code