DonorPerfect matching
Josh Bloomfield (CEO)
On it.
Morgan Svingen
i wish there was also a way for it to match address first and name second... most of our duplicates come from Robert vs Rob donors but the address is identical. Or even request confirmation before creating a new donor
Josh Bloomfield (CEO)
Morgan Svingen: I'd love to see an example... we already account for Rob vs Robert.
Morgan Svingen
Josh Bloomfield (CEO): I did a quick search and wasn't able to find you an example. I think it was more of an issue as we had just launched GC and were seeing many more duplicates at that time.
Josh Bloomfield (CEO)
Morgan Svingen: All good. Just noticing the date-stamp on your feedback 😅.
Isaiah Stearley
This is a fascinating idea. It would be super useful in not creating so many duplicates in DP that we have to find and fix manually. This would be a great addition to the issue listed here: