Donor Covers Cost: Customize DCC - Allow to provide a range of custom amounts
under review
Stephanie Cummins
We’d also like more flexibility with customizing the DCC amounts and the copy. The DCC custom set up on the e-card store items is excellent. DCC can be toggled off for the donor to select opt-in and the amount/% can be set by us. Unfortunately, this translates to the DCC looking like the screenshot below in the Experiences, with no ability to change the copy which doesn’t make sense without the other options being visible:
Annette Gretkiewicz
We also would greatly appreciate having the ability to modify all 3 of these options and set our preferred percentage, instead of using the AI functionality, which our organization isn't a fan of. Additionally, it would be fantastic if we could pick which one of those 4 options (including "not thank you") is set as the default.
I'm on the same page as Lisa when it comes to large donations – donors end up shelling out a hefty %.
Josh Bloomfield (CEO)
Merged in a post:
Ability to Customize DCC
David Archer
On Donors Cover Costs we would like the option to flip the order of the options. We need 'no thanks' to be the default displayed, then donors could use the dropdown to choose a different amount.
Josh Bloomfield (CEO)
under review
To be sure I understand, you want your donor's to be able to use choose between Covering the Min/More/Most Fees but with your own DCC calculations, correct?
For example:
7% - Most
6% - More (Default)
5% - Min
(and you could change those values yourself)
Matthew McGee
Josh Bloomfield (CEO): This is something that we would like the ability to do. This could allow us to get a bit closer to processing cost and not including all online systems cost. We might get a little less push back if the defaults we not so close to 10%.
Stephanie Arnal
Josh Bloomfield (CEO): We would love more flexibility as well. For us specifically, we would like to be able to set the minimum as our direct processing cost, then would probably leave the more and most as AI+ calculates it. This way we can justify to our donors that minimum covers the costs directly related to their donation, whereas more and most help us recover that plus other costs such as monthly platform fees.
Lisa Brotmann
We would also definitely love this. And the ability to add a cap to the DCC. With donors giving larger amounts it is nice to cap it as it can be a ridiculously huge amount.
Josh Bloomfield (CEO)
Lisa Brotmann: There's an update coming shortly that will improve the DCC AI+ algorithm for larger donation amounts. Keep an eye on the updates feed shortly.
Lisa Brotmann
Josh Bloomfield (CEO): THat would be amazing!!